A Space Adventure

One day when I was walking a space ship appeared. I was looking at it for a while and a very bright light gleamed out and sucked me up and no body saw me.  Then these strange things with six arms and a big head needed my help with some equipment. They brought me to their home planet (Venus).                                                              Then I saw the biggest thing ever. It was about one hundred feet high and about twenty feet wide. Then a big horn started to blow. Then every alien bowed. Then the king alien appeared and said it was an engine. Then when the king alien told me about the other aliens that were their mortal enemies tried to take over Venus. I asked them ì is this your evacuation unitî. The alien said, ì no itís our engine for  Venusî. ìWHAT?î I said.
  He explained that Venus had an engine and it was broken. They needed me to fix it. It took me three weeks to find the solution. Then I found out that it was unplugged. They were so happy. They put on a party the next day. They brought me home. I told my parents all about the aliens from Venus. But they did not believe me.
                   By Vincent Nolan.

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