The Space  Adventure.

One day I got a phone call from my Uncle Liam. He asked me would I like to go to space with him. I went into the kitchen and asked my Mother could I go space with Liam. She said yes. I ran to the phone and I said I could go to space.We went the next day.When that day came I packed my bags. My uncle picked me up in his cool car.
                        When we got to the station I ran to the rocket.The rocket was very well built My  uncle  and  I  got on the  rocket and it began to take off into space.We got in ten seconds. When I got there I met the rest of crew and I was delighted that they got there safe. I was given A four wheel drive Jeep to drive around my friends on. I thought it was interesting.
My uncle and I decided to go home.It was extremely fast coming home.When I got home there was a big 2 LITER Petrol TOYOTA CYNOS.When I got home everyone was delighted.
By John o Toole
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